Thursday, 15 December 2011


Whilst creating the animatic we made various changes to the storyboard, for example the fading transitions at the beginning, reflecting the slow pace of the music. We then mirrored this idea for the end of the song to create consistency and also show that the music is slowing down again.

We had to find a powerful and unique shot for our final shot, so we began thinking of things we could use in the church. Candles and darkness gave a good contrast for our final scene so we thought that we could have the singer blowing out a candle at the end of the song. We then had to decide which shot to use, and we had two good choices. The first of these was a long shot whereby you could only see the singer blowing out the candle and the light coming through the stained glass window. Another idea was to end with a close up of the singer blowing out the candle and the whole screen fading to black.

We chose the final idea as our final shot because we thought it was more emotive and relevant to the lyrics. We knew that we then needed to incorporate candles into the music video throughout so that the video made sense, so we decided to have various candles dotted around the setting of the video.

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