Thursday, 15 December 2011

Learning The Basics of Final Cut Express

When we started A2 we understood that no one within out group had any experience with Final Cut Express (FCE) at all, and so we each did individual research into learning how to use FCE and then shared our knowledge with the rest of the group. Our group member named Elliot used a Tutorial book called 'Final Cut Express, Video Editing for the Digital Enthusiast' to learn some basic video editing techniques that would be necessary for the completion of the storyboard and eventually, the video itself.

I went ahead and started looking into Final Cut video tutorials on youtube and the web. I found a really good user called 'FinalCutKing' and looking through his videos i found them useful within my research although i later discovered that he worked on a program called Final Cut Pro, this being different to Express we had a few problems when testing out some of his ideas. But for now here is an example of something we found and liked with his work:

Soon Me and my group had learned how to:

* Insert video clips and audio onto the timeline and move them around
* Insert and manipulate text onto the video
* Insert and manipulate video transitions
* Render the clips

Within our group we focus mainly on me and Jamie doing the Editing and Elliot would be working more on the ancillary task, understanding that at one point we'll be working on both tasks at the same time.

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